Hello, here I am, with my own Homepage! My name is Heidi HAMMOND, and I had quite a battle with my mistress to convince her to publish my own page. My Mistress also says that I am a naughty miniature French Poodle. She is totally wrong, of course! I am here to pass along a message to all prospective dog owners that are looking to buy a dog during any holiday season. Please remember that holidays are a busy and hectic time in any household, with not much time left over to care for a new dog. Please wait to purchase a dog from any animal shelter after the holiday season. Then you will have more time to familiarize your new dog with its new surroundings, and your pet will thank you.
I have lived with my family, the Hammonds, since I was 3 month old. I was born in Burns Lake, British Columbia on April 14, 1996 and had a 200 km long car journey to live with my new family in Prince George. They already had picked the name "HEIDI" before they had even met me. Ironically I "hide" every dog biscuit I get in every corner of the house. If my masters find my treats, I get extremely upset and start whining...

I also whine continuously when I go for a car ride. The dogtrainer told my masters that this is SEPARATION ANXIETY; from my doggie mother - I COULD HOWL!!!!
Subject - Obedience School. Of course, I had to attend that. This is normal etiquette for an elegant poodle! Naturally,I was the star of the obedience school.
I performed everything upon command - sit, stay, down, come, heel, and walk around my master in a circle. I became extremely big-headed, when the dog trainer said I should be a circus dog! My master Mike could not believe this. He came to the graduation ceremony, and to all you non-believers: my good manners are displayed on video! I have a second reason to be bigheaded as well. The world renowned Dog Psychologist Stanley Coren ranks the poodle the second most intelligent dog out of 75 breeds in his book "The Intelligence of Dogs".
I am an important poodle lady here in Prince George. I own dog licence #1. I am the 1st registered dog out of approx. 6,500 registered dogs in Prince George. (I wonder if my mistress had a hand in this, since the Animal Control Department is a branch of the Bylaw Department, where she works). My mistress is very strict and insists that all dogs need a yearly licence, which has to be displayed on the collar. If I ever should get lost or have an accident, a quick telephone call to the Animal Control Office by anyone that finds me, can bring me home again. This is absolutely great!
My favorite past time (other than hide dog biscuits), is playing fetch with my toys, going for walks and to play with family's son Kris' dog "CAL". Cal is a blonde Labrador Mix, who was bought by Kris from the Shelter. Cal's brown eyes are irresistable! Cal always makes a straight bee-line to my food dish, when he comes visiting. Subsequently, I have to chase him around the house and bite his legs! Here are pictures of Cal and me waiting for a treat!
 On July 3, 2000 I visited my Mom Mady in Burns Lake. Unfortunately she seemed to have forgotten her maternal instincts that day and was going to attack me. I managed to save my beautiful apricot curly fur by making a hasty retreat. Is that called motherlove?
 left - Heidi right- Heidimom "Mady" On May 20, 2001 my master passed away suddenly. He had been ill for a long time and I hope that I gave him a little happiness during the last few years. The past months have not been easy for me because I miss him. However, while my mistress is working during the day, I now attend doggy-daycare at Irma's house. Irma is an elderly single Austrian lady, who has lived in this town for many years and whose dog passed away this summer. Now we keep each other company during the day and I keep Irma hopping! I am getting spoiled rotten by her. Irma even cooks for me: boiled chopped garlic sausauge mixed with a handfull of dry dogfood. (yum, yum!)
 Recipe for homebaked Dogbiscuits: Heat oven to 350 degrees In a bowl mix following ingredients: 2-1/2 cups whole wheat flour 1/2 cup powdered milk 1 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. salt 8 tbsp. melted butter 1 egg 1/2 cup cold water 1 bouillon cube- crumbled into water roll to approx. 1/2 inch thickness cut into desired shapes (bone shapes) place on greased baking sheet bake for approx. 35 min. cool for 15 minutes BON APPETITE, HEIDI, CAL, MAX!
 Heidi's doggie cartoons (drawn years ago by Matt & Kris)
 I also have a few Internet Dog Friends:
*****Heidi's Favorite Diner - THE 'DOGGONE' BAKERY
***** My german Dachshund Friend MAX
 *****My virtual poodle friend from my hometown Prince George - CALEB
*****Canada Dogs Links
*****Tori's "Zwergspitz Schatzi"from California
*****WILLY, the golden retriever
 Heidi's German Poodlefriend
Heidi Hambone fights for a Cause (A SPOOF!) |