I am overcome with Christmas spirit,
however, my dog does not care for it
Homes pages I create with Christmas Midi.
My dog laments: "Oh woe is me!
Stop singing, it hurts my ears,
Jingle bells well up my eyes with tears
Pine needle scented dog shampoo to increase my sex appeal,
this is too much, doesn't anyone care how I feel?
Yes, the blessed Yuletide Season, it is here,
but mistress has gone too far, I fear!"
Toy-stacked shelves in every department store,
Tempertantrums, Children who want more.
Heidi's perturbed and feeling rather sick -
wants to bite the big toe of jolly St. Nick
Rushing home, curious as can be,
is the oven baking our Christmas Turkey?
Heidi has a Christmas Supper wish:
Turkey breast with gravy in her dish!
Delicious smell of gingerbread and mincemeat pie -
The two sons and dog Cal are dropping by.
Soon they meet with mother's scorn:
Big red bows Heidi's ears adorn.
I utter now one desperate beg:
"Cal, why do you lift your leg -
What do my poor eyes see?
Cal, are you peeing against the Christmas tree?"
Peace on Earth and in my home is my greatest desire -
Heidi curled up and quietly resting by the fire.
Dreams of
dancing through her head,
while I spread joy and seasons greetings on the internet.
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