Jacque Cartier & the Huron-Iroquois The name "Canada" is derived from the Huron-Iroquois Indian language and means settlement or village.
 Canada is the world's second largest country, as big as all of Europe and has the longest unprotected border.

 With 2 Million lakes, Canada has the largest body of freshwater in the world. (466,697 sq km)

 Approx. 25% of Canada's land consists of forest.

 permafrost map blue = permafrost Approx. 89% of Canada is not habitable, because the climate is too extreme.

Quebec-Windsor Via Rail map Approx. half of Canada's population lives in the Quebec-Windsor Belt.

 With approx. 25 billion tons of grain, Canada leads the world as largest grain producer.

 Yoho Park, B.C. a part of the Rockies heritage site Canada has 12 areas, which the United Nations declared world heritage sites: 1978 L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Park, 1978 Nahanni National Park, 1979 Dinosaur Provincial Park, 1981 Anthony Island, 1981 Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Complex,
1983 Wood Buffalo National Park, (Alberta, Northwest Territories) is the worlds largest Park (44,807 sq km), 1984 Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks,
1985 Quebec (Historic Area),1987 Gros Morne National Park,1995 Lunenburg Old Town, Canada & USA - 1979 Tatshenshini-Alsek/ Kluane National Park/ Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Reserve and Glacier Bay National Park, Canada & USA - 1995 Waterton Glacier International Peace Park.

 The Trans-Canada Highway ist the longest national highway in the world with a length of 7,841 km (4,860 miles).

 migration route of Inuits/Eskimos The original inhabitants of Canada were the Inuit Indians (Eskimos), which originated from Asia.
 An Inuit folksong possibly has the longest title in the world: eekaleecahkataschuneeqkoveeahnamareetuyrralluaka, translated: I love to fish in the spring..

 The tallest free-standing tower in the world is the CN Tower in Toronto with 556 Meter ( 1,824 ft 11in). The tallest totem pole in the world with 52.72 metres can be found in Alert Bay, British Columbia. |