PRINCE GEORGE PUBLIC WORKS "White Knights Snow Removal Force" | ![]() |
Oh, the enormous amount of snow
worries our Prince George Citizens so.
Snowplows, graders, bombadiers and trucks with sand -
with flashing light I follow them and lend a helping hand.
Parking cars on snow covered streets is an offense,
a $50 fine awaits car owners who are so dense.
I fine and have tow trucks standing by.
Outraged citizens madly cry.
Husband and wife slipper adorned and pyjama clad
waving snow shovels - ranting, raving, mad.
Big thrashings they wish to bestow on me,
while towtrucks hook every car I see.
Italian snow plow drivers with muscles my protection,
just like Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator they will action.
I must say though, I will not be beat
I am capable of standing on my own two feet.
My blood pressure raised a few degree-
in my car again, it stabilizes to blares of Pavarotti.
Lunchtime - I am of to the swimming pool with a frown,
where during aquafit my remaining rage does drown.
However, I will here now say
I did not see the end of this sh....y day.
Kitty doo-doo and litter strewn in alleys covered with snow -
I have no pity with the sinner - tell him where to go!
Bestowing summonses on people, which they tear up in spite.
They chase their blood-thirsty pitbull after me to take a bite.
Then a stern lecture I give to teenage boys,
who annoy the neighbors with excessive stereo noise.
Inspect a fence that was built too high,
warn the owner - he has a sigh.
With a demeanour most ruthless, mean and wicked,
I pursue offenders with stiff warnings or a ticket.
Always a cool, brave front I display,
yet I am shy by nature, I must say.
I truly love my honorable occupation,
but more I love the citizens of this nation.
This was an extreme working day.
A stress relief is my computer play.
Refuge I seek and build a fancy background
but minus any vicious hound.
After each snowfall City snow removal crews clear over 629 km of streets.
Over 41 pieces of snow removal equipment are working around the clock during heavy snowfall.
A bylaw was created in 1991 that prohibits cars being parked on the street during a snowfall.
Vehicles can be towed and Offenders are subject to a $50.00 fine.
200.4 cm of snowfall was recorded in 1997 in Prince George
In 1997 the snow removal cost for the City Public Works Department was $3,779.141.
![]() where is the towtruck? |
![]() the attack |
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![]() search for the firehydrant |
![]() sidewalk bombadier |
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