Poems No.:2
turning in a confused state,
I tune out those who cannot communicate
I mount a bus, hanging onto a steady pole,
I swing stiffly, reflections within reflections
swarming within my mind and soul.
My eyes follow him, back there,
he, the stranger, who came from nowhere -
follow him back into night's dark hole.
he, who could not, would not change fate.
Questioning, where do you go now?
God help me touch a heart, and breathe within
a person - to stop this wanting, and find, somehow,
in the darkness what is real, and to feel.
Thank you for this poem. I pray,
who shall I thank for what is real?
Stop asking questions they say:
die ignorant, but properly.
Chilly winds blow, it's 30 below,
Wondering, where will we go?
Let's venture out to the Zoo
to have the hippos look at you!
Passing by a constrictor snake
bizarre thoughts in me awake.
Watching the boa devour its feathery prey
my mind wanders to days gone and days far away.
are boa constrictors and hippos the magic math
for a beginning down an eternal path?
On this path that paves the unknown
a new seed of trust today will be sewn.
Memories symbolized by the boa's discarded skin
As we slinky-slither, a new journey about to begin.
Acquaphobia is unknown to the hippopotami,
homo sapiens fearing plumbing that's gone awry.
Ma and Pa Hippo float in water's animation
and we sit here, silently, in deep meditation.
A warm comfort blanket wrapped snug around me,
I glance at you and wonder, do you feel it, can you see?
An intermisson in the hourglasses' running sand
while slowly you reach out and touch my hand.
Hippo moments with bristles forever and a day,
kissing tenderly, as our good bye's we say.
Ignominious Ideogram
Strawberry husks and dizzy champagne
drank from the fountain of Hippocrene,
echoed footprints infinitively remain.
Report - compte rendu:
Feelings of 'deja vu',
(NO) Doubts, Indubio.
L is for my Love untold,
I is the Idealism I behold,
E the Explanation mark in bold
Here, now, forever
encapsuled in time,
somehow I never
imagined I'm
your questionmark
dressed in satin lace.
Secretly, in the dark
we whisper, until rays
of today's sunlight
and woolsocks on my feet
silence our night
until tomorrow's meet.
A faint echo
rings in my ears
of a teardrop bolero
which over the years
calloused your fingers.
I am here, nevertheless
as the melody lingers
your fingers to caress.
Three strings broken
adrift on a cumulus cloud
leave my words unspoken.
They play a symphony, proud
to be for you my one token.
The chords crescendo
to this symphony abound
of memories so long ago
and of new joy I found.
I am me,
I'm happy as a bee,
and if I'm not
I'd buzz to a spot
by a honeysuckle tree,
where yellow shines on me.
The tears would dry away.
I'd invite you to stay
an eternal while.
Together we'd smile
in our honeycomb of fantasy,
a buzzy bumbleday it would be.
With your words tonight
paint a techno- rainbow
of neon colors bright.
My porchlight will glow
to the midnight glisten
of brushstrokes, so
that I may listen
and hear
Today I witnessed a strange sight -
an aligator, short in stature and height -
scaly aligator skin of bright red.
is Joe an aligator? I said.
subsequently I pondered again:
do aligators named Joe speak Italian?
This was really quite absurd.
Italian speaking aligators - unheard!
The aligator's claw adorned feet
leisurely travelled down the street,
and stopped quite suddenly
to turn around and glance at me.
Oh, I do so desire, long and wish
to be this aligator in a skimmilk dish!
It's Park-Reverse-Neutral-Drive
in this drive-through carwash here,
soft cloth brushes cutting like a knife,
a final wash, a wax, a rinse, a dry.
"Where are you going?" A mother's fear.
"I will be back, won't be long", he said.
One, two, three, iceroad mirror of Life.
I read: "remove loose trim."
I think, "how can I comfort him?"
"He was my only one," a father's cry.
Awake with this night's dream
I am wearing a paloma dress,
Your black zebra stripes seem
to dance with me nevertheless,
together fading into grey
in the fog of this day.
Money-hungry milltown -
I did breathe you,
alcohol vapour & rotten eggs..
prosperity written on a church pew,
Town, where higher education
dreams of windowcurtains & wet diapers.
prosperous, carsick City,
content citizens living lies,
your fathers and mothers are
blinded in their pride.
Where a lonely minister takes pity
of gutter-lined night-butterflies.
Uncertain authority manifested in a police car.
Sawdust perspiring milltown,
seemingly bypassed by years of civilization.
Town, where juveniles dream of illegal drinking
and babies.
a tired leaf
with autumn winds
a welcome thought
mind's doorstep.
Fire red stars,
fire red, round moon.
endless, puzzling distance,
to subdue the unknown is worthwhile
The future is in you.
The past has long been lost.
wander on - no resting here.
entrust the uncertain to a new God -
hurry through the fiery-red dawn.
searching, probing footsteps, heart
dedicated to a new God.
a God of mysterious distances
a God, unkown today
A God conquered tomorrow.
Fire red stars,
fire red, round moon.
endless, puzzling distance,
to subdue the unknown is worthwhile.