- Never run from bears.
- BE HUMAN. Never imitate a bear, or make "bear"
noises. Back up slowly and speak in a loud, low voice while waving your
arms. Avoid direct eye contact. Stay calm.
- Return to your vehicle or climb a tree as high
as you can.
- Drop something, such as your backpack, to distract the
bear in case it decides to charge. Almost all charges are "bluff charges".
- If you are attacked, how you respond
depends on the species of bear and the circumstances. Black bears and grizzlies
behave differently and may have different motives. Aggressive bears are usually
defending their territory, their food or their young. Predatory bears, on the
other hand, are looking for food.
it is best to play dead. Struggling
will encourage attack. Drop, curl your knees up to your chest and place
your hands behind your neck.
BLACK BEARS - fight back! Use everything you've got -
sticks,rocks, hands and feet. With predatory black bears your best chance is to
fight them off and chase them away. |
- CARRY PROTECTION. in case of meeting an aggressive
bear, carry noise-makers and pepper-spray or bear-spray (an effective deterrent)
 this bear was encountered on a nature walk in Whistler, B.C. and despite the "bear scare" methods of renowned Bear expert Steve Searles of stomping our feet and yelling "Bad Bear, Bad Bear", the bear defied our techniques and tried to outstare us!